Overcome Imposter Syndrome

In my journey as an executive life coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand the silent struggle many people face: imposter syndrome. This pervasive feeling of not being good enough, can cripple the…

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What is a Broken Home?

The term “broken home” is often used to describe a divorce or ending of a long-term relationship especially when children are involved. What many people don’t understand, is that a…

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Your Thoughts Are A Paintbrush

Thoughts are like a paintbrush.  The artist uses a paintbrush to create his or her version of what is seen with the eye. This is exactly how thought works. We…

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Please Don’t Feed The Dragon

Is there a dragon in your life?  I’m talking about the “fire-breathing” person, whose irrational behavior makes you feel as if you have to constantly monitor your words and actions…

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If He Really Loved Me…

“If he really loved me, he would _______________.”  This is what we say when we are caught up in our thinking. Yes, we are in pain and yes, we are…

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Hey! What about MY feelings?

This morning as I listened to a couple of  women who called into a local radio station, I felt compelled to write about what I heard.  I’ve changed the names to protect…

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