Feelings Are Like Rumble Strips

If you have driven a car, you are probably familiar with rumble strips.  Rumble strips are a safety feature.  They are the raised areas on the outside edges of a…

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Overcome Imposter Syndrome

In my journey as an executive life coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand the silent struggle many people face: imposter syndrome. This pervasive feeling of not being good enough, can cripple the…

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What Is Draining Your Energy?

When was the last time you really paid attention to how you spend your time?   Are you spending your time with people and on activities that energize you, or…

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How to Start Dating Again

Dating after divorce or break-up of a long-term relationship, can be an intimidating experience, but, it doesn’t have to be. It’s only scary if you jump in the deep end…

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5 Ways to Find Serenity Now

Do you typically sail along through your days, feeling content and able to take life’s challenges in stride, but all it takes is a mopey or disgruntled attitude from your…

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Please Don’t Feed The Dragon

Is there a dragon in your life?  I’m talking about the “fire-breathing” person, whose irrational behavior makes you feel as if you have to constantly monitor your words and actions…

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Boundary Crashers and Bullies

There are many different levels and types of abuse.  Any relationship, personal or otherwise is susceptible to it.  Sometimes, abuse is easily recognized, other times, it is more subtle.  Abuse…

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Sleep is Important by Mary Francis

Guest Blogger:  Mary Francis – Author and Speaker – Founder of  The Sisterhood of Widows Today, I am sharing an article from my friend, author Mary Francis.  Mary has written…

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Be Perfectly Imperfect

Between Halloween and New Years Day we are bombarded daily by images of holiday settings that include perfectly dressed, smiling people gathered around an elegantly decorated Christmas tree happily sharing…

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