Feelings Are Like Rumble Strips

If you have driven a car, you are probably familiar with rumble strips.  Rumble strips are a safety feature.  They are the raised areas on the outside edges of a…

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What is a Broken Home?

The term “broken home” is often used to describe a divorce or ending of a long-term relationship especially when children are involved. What many people don’t understand, is that a…

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What Is Draining Your Energy?

When was the last time you really paid attention to how you spend your time?   Are you spending your time with people and on activities that energize you, or…

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5 Ways to Find Serenity Now

Do you typically sail along through your days, feeling content and able to take life’s challenges in stride, but all it takes is a mopey or disgruntled attitude from your…

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Your Thoughts Are A Paintbrush

Thoughts are like a paintbrush.  The artist uses a paintbrush to create his or her version of what is seen with the eye. This is exactly how thought works. We…

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