Read What Clients Have to Say About Linda.
Reaching out to Linda was one of the best decisions I have made. She was there for me when I desperately needed someone to make sense of all of the thoughts going through my head. After every time I finished talking to her, it felt like a big weight was lifted off my chest. She gets it! I went back and forth so much. Do I stay in an unhappy marriage or leave? Linda never pushed me in one direction or the other and stressed that staying or leaving would be equally difficult. I had to look at what the future would hold for me if I continued on the path I was on. I was always worried about my children. Would they have a bad childhood if I left? Linda was always so patient with me! I had so many questions for her and she helped me clear my cluttered mind and guided me through the process. Once I made my decision, she strongly encouraged me to always put forth 100% effort, whether I stayed in my marriage or left. Linda was very supportive and compassionate and helped me focus on what was really important in my life. She would tell me that the only thing I have control over, is myself. My own actions! I had a fear of change. I blamed myself for a long time for the change in all of our lives. She assured me that everybody will be okay! My kids would not have a bad childhood simply because I left an unhappy marriage. I was always so comfortable talking to Linda and felt like she could relate to what I was going through. Linda is a natural coach and incredibly talented! She certainly found her calling and now she can share her amazing gift of helping other with the rest of the world! A. ~ Illinois
“[Linda] helped me to stay focused… [The coaching process has] been an ease and it showed me things about myself I had not realized. … is quite amazing it’s like putting a puzzle together, and seeing just how the pieces fit together. [Talking with Linda] has given me a different perspective on relationships… Everything hinges on relationships, it may be a different type of relationship, but it’s all relational. [Linda] is very easy to communicate with and her input is direct. [Linda’s]suggestions are insightful and helpful.” B. ~ Washington, DC
“Honestly, I’m surprised that it works! I always thought coaching would only be effective if labor intensive. Or, if not, that maybe it was all fluff and didn’t really work at all – just offering a momentary good feeling. I’m surprised that my brain responds to the rationale of just talking it out. … I am glad that I have gotten the to share problems in my life in a warm and trusted situation. I have friends and family that I could never tell these things to. [When I first started the process], I felt stuck. I was not unsure about what I wanted in my life at all, but just felt that I was being encumbered with circumstances that were hindering me from getting there. With wise listening and gentle steering, Linda can help you to see past the roadblocks in your journey. She doesn’t tell you what to do or think, but she helps you clarify your own vision. Afterwards, you realize that she was giving you the keys to unlock the doors and move forward. She comes across as a trusted friend who understands and cares. That makes all the difference, because it helps you become more vulnerable so you can be honest with yourself. … I’ve been on a journey of realizing I’m stronger than I thought I was.” J. ~ Arizona
“It [talking with Linda] changed me back to the clear thinking person I was. …coaching certainly helped with how to deal with my husband’s illness. All the power that was buried inside for almost 2 years [has come back]. I have taken the bull by the horns and realized I have a great deal to offer. …I’ve had the power all along. It just needed a gentle nudge to bring it out. [I benefited the most from Linda’s] kindness and understanding along with the gentle ways [she] gave me the inspiration that my children couldn’t help with. I have become my own woman again with my sights set on my future. I will be concentrating more on myself without feeling or acting selfish. [Linda] was much more than I expected and just like a close friend you can confide in.” N. ~ Georgia
“I was in a place of confusion and untrusting to my own instincts. The thought of being in a relationship scared me to death and I could hardly breathe at the thought someone might want to ask me out. Building a relationship seemed like a far, far away dream. Even the thought of holding someone’s hand scared me, so I didn’t give myself credit for being strong. Linda is a compassionate listener, never judgemental in anything you say. She makes soft suggestions to help you see a different choice and a different road that is possible for your journey. When you talk with Linda, you always feel comfortable, like she’s your best friend. You know that she will never discuss you in other places, the problems yes, but never you personally. She is very trustworthy and coming from me…who has trust issues…that says a lot. This [process] has helped me see The Possibilities of a realationship again, even with my Daughter and her daughter, but most of all the hope that maybe there is a wonderful guy that God has just for me. Thank you for all your guidance and patience with me as I grow into a lovely Lady again. C. ~ Georgia
“My job was experiencing some growing pains and was making changes about every 3 months that caused a lot of stress and conflict within our department. Linda, you were very patient, understanding and compassionate about my situation. After speaking with you I was able to think before I spoke and really thought about what I needed to do to get through the day and not focus on what they needed to do for me. I felt very empowered and that I wasn’t alone in this new adventure. (others have been in the same situation and have survived). Having someone to talk to that truly listened and gave encouraging words [was most beneficial to me]. [Before talking with Linda] I was angry initially and felt it was personal but after talking with [her] I realized it is the nature of the beast in the workplace and that I am not the only one that has ever experienced this type of change. …you were very patient with me, listened, and made yourself available to me during the first few days of my situation. Thank you for all that you do to help women during changes/transitions in their lives. Thanks to your coaching, I am able to hold my head up high and go to work and think that I am there to help others.” S. ~ Georgia
I was thinking that I want to jump out into the dating scene, but I really wasn’t ready to – I needed to take care of myself emotionally and physically first – and Linda helped me recognize that I needed to step back before seriously dating. And now I’m happy to take that needed time. … Linda is a great coach she has a unique style because she is not forceful yet she makes you want to be accountable… Linda is very intelligent and intuitively knows what to say to help you see what’s holding you back in getting where you want to go and she quickly comes up with applicable action steps. A. ~ Georgia
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