my personal journey

Is there a gap between the life you live and the life you want to be living?

Your gap may be having better health, a business of your own, a better career, managing your team at work, increasing sales, or having better personal relationships with the people you love. If you have been trying on your own, to close that gap, but you realize you are only spinning your wheels, working with a coach can give you the momentum you need to move forward.

Or, maybe your situation is a temporary set back or a detour on the road of life.  An illness (yourself or someone you love), loss of job, financial strain, loss of a loved one…  I think it is safe to say that in the course of a lifetime, most of us experience many such challenges.  No one gets through life without facing obstacles or challenges of some sort. I believe everyone needs help and support from time to time and the right support person is crucial.

A Coach Can Help You Convert Challenges Into Possibilities

Talking with someone who has no judgment about you or what you should or shouldn’t do, is transformative. The services of a good Coach can help you bridge the gap between where you are now, and where you want to be. 

When you have the right support person, it can make a big difference in how quickly change can take place. As a Coach, I have an obligation to be honest and upfront with my clients. If I sugar-coat my responses to a client, I would be doing that client a disservice and would be slowing down their opportunity to change.

Why I Became A Coach

My past is not perfect. I made mistakes and bad decisions. I experienced divorce, single parenting, the challenges of a blended family, the tragic loss of half of my birth family, financial setbacks, career missteps, and all sorts of other “failures” and heartaches.

In the past, I believed I was damaged by past abuse and the losses I suffered. I was wrong. I am living proof that our past does not define us. We define ourselves. What we are at our core, cannot be damaged.

I Work With People Just Like You

We are all strong, resilient, creative and intelligent. All that innate wisdom and greatness, just gets covered up by the limiting stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. I became a Coach, because like you, I was held back by my own perceived short-comings and obstacles.

As a Coach, I help my clients uncover their own resiliency, power and wisdom so they can move past any obstacles they believe are in their way. I help my clients get to the other side of struggle and strife where they can create the lives they really want to be living.

My compassion for others came out of of the times when I fell flat on my face and got up again. Something greater than me, kept me moving forward. My own experience has given me an unshakable faith in my clients’ ability to tap into their own creativity, experience and wisdom to come up with solutions that work perfectly for them.

Talking with a me helps my clients to move past the perceived obstacles that prevent them from playing life full-out.

I don’t need to sell you on coaching. If it is right for you, you will know. Why not set up an appointment to talk with me and find out for yourself if coaching could help you close the gap and reach your goals.

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