Are you reacting to your breakup or using this challenging time in your life to create the life you want for yourself? Reacting sucks the life out of us, draining our energy and making it difficult for us to think positively or creatively.
I have gone through the divorce process more than once. I know firsthand, how upsetting and life altering it is emotionally, financially and mentally. I’m not suggesting that you pretend everything is okay and put on a happy face. Allow yourself time to feel the full impact of the breakup and all the emotions that go along with it. If you don’t give yourself time to grieve the lost relationship and all the dreams that were part of it, those emotions will show up at the most inopportune times.
What I am suggesting, is that you not stay in that stage of anger, grief, sadness or victimhood for too long. There are no rules about how long a person should grieve a lost relationship, it’s different for everyone. My coaching service is for those women and men who know intuitively that they need to pull themselves together and move on. For some people, feeling bad starts to feel good. I offer the support they need to pull themselves away from the temptation to stay stuck in those low-energy feelings.
If you could use some support to leave the past behind and build a wonderful future for yourself, give me a call or drop me a line. It might help and it can’t hurt.
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